Three Harbors Council, BSA
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
Three Harbors Council - ContentResourcesRecharterRechartering – Key Things to Know

Rechartering – Key things to know

On-time rechartering is vital to keep your members and unit in good standing with the BSA and ensures seamless access to the benefits of a membership in the BSA.  Accurate rechartering ensures that consistent communication is going to the right people in your unit.

Turning in applications for new youth and adult members, you have now and prior to starting your recharter, will allow us to add them to your roster before you start your unit recharter process. You can have us do the data entry so you don't have to!

Why is it so important to complete and submit my recharter on-time?

  1. An on-time recharter that has all necessary signatures, full payment and properly completed applications for new members added at recharter ensures the unit is fully insured by the BSA should an accident happen during a Scouting activity.

  2. Youth advancement records can be easily updated as a young man or woman advances in our program.

  3. Boys’ Life mailings continue uninterrupted for those that subscribe to the magazine when your recharter is submitted and completed correctly.

  4. Scoutbook is connected directly to the membership database used by the BSA; getting your recharter done on-time ensures that your families can continue to access Scoutbook without loss of information.

  5. If we do find anything which prevents us from posting your recharter, if it is in on-time, our staff has time to contact you about what needs to be done to correct your recharter without the charter dropping.

This year especially, there are a lot of changes going on during rechartering.  Three Harbors Council is expecting every unit not to make their recharter payment online for this year only.  We need to ensure no recharter payments are made online so we can adjust rechartering for our units to line up within each of our new districts.  Click here to view and download the 2019-20 Recharter Additional Information sheet.
With the Criminal Background Rechecks that the National BSA is going to start conducting in 2020, we are asking each unit to submit the required signed disclosures from each of your adult leaders with your recharter.  This will help ensure that Three Harbors Council can verify that every leader on your roster that you are registering has submitted this required paperwork to conduct a new criminal background check. Click here to view and download the Criminal Background Recheck disclosures and authorization form.
Finally, on October 23, 2019, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America announced that it has made the difficult, but necessary, decision to increase the annual membership fee effective January 1, 2020 to:
  • $60 for youth members in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing & Sea Scouts
  • $36 for youth members in Exploring
  • $36 for adult members
Click here for more information on the new national BSA membership fee.
Your Unit Commissioner and District Executive are available to help you through the recharter process.  Please do not delay in reaching out to them for help so that you can complete the rechartering process on-time and correctly.


Three Harbors Council, Scouting America  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
