Dear Scout Leaders and Parents:
Welcome to our Weekly Challenge Email for the week of June 1. These challenges revolve around a theme that Scouts, parents and families can do together while Scouting at Home. This week’s theme is “Pets & Wildlife”.
Pets & Wildlife Challenge
Animals are all around us. Our pets and wildlife are part of where we live, work and travel. Caring for pets and wildlife is important to each of us. Take time this week to focus on our furry, or maybe not so furry friends in your home and all around you!
Do you have pets at home? Post a small sign on your front door indicating how many pets you have. If there is an emergency, first responders will know!
Write about the care, feeding and housing of your pet.
Make your own dog treats. Click here for a list of different recipes.
Make a list of wildlife you see in your yard, neighborhood or local park.
Do some research on three endangered species and learn about what makes them endangered.
Discuss with your family ways you can help care for pets and wildlife.
Parents & Scout Leaders
Get Outdoors and Take a Hike
Families are invited to get outside and take a hike on either Saturday June 13 or Sunday June 14. Your hike can take place in your neighborhood, local park, or state park. Let's get outside and enjoy the outdoors in a safe way by social distancing. Take hiking photos and submit them to Scouting@ThreeHarborsScouting.org for a contest! Prizes will be awarded to the best:
Family out on the hike
Flowers along the hike
Wildlife seen on the hike
Largest hill climbed on the hike
Be sure to include your name, unit number and location of your hike when you submit your pictures. Please join us in kicking off the summer by enjoying the outdoors! Let’s hit the trail! |
Digital Den Meeting – Wednesday, June 3 at 7:00 p.m.
Please join us this week for the next episode of our Digital Den Meeting series. Our Den Leaders will be featuring ways to care for your pets and wildlife. You can join our Digital Den Meeting on Three Harbors Council’s Facebook page on Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. We plan on including fun skits or songs, so please upload your videos and/or pictures to www.ThreeHarborsScouting.org/Share.
Virtual Scouting Fireside Chat – A Resource for Scout Leaders
On Wednesday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m., join our panel of volunteers to learn more and get answers to your questions about virtual Den, Pack and Troop Meetings. Register here to join the Fireside Chat!
Scouts BSA Online Merit Badge Clinic Series
Webelos Adventure Series
Featured Weekly Online Resources
Our staff team is here to support Scouting at Home. Please click here to contact our council staff.
Scout on Safely!