Three Harbors Council, BSA
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
Three Harbors Council - ContentDonate NowFriends of Scouting Presentations

The annual Friends of Scouting fundraising campaign helps secure the operating funds needed for our council to continue to provide you and your Scouts the best Scouting programs. The Family Friends of Scouting campaign provides every family participating in the Scouting program in Three Harbors Council with the opportunity to make a financial contribution to the council to fund programs and services offered by the council such as trainings, insurance, program helps, camping facilities and programs, website, and council and district activities.

As you plan your program for the coming year, please include a Family Friends of Scouting presentation in your unit’s calendar. We recommend that the presentation take place anytime from December 15, 2019 through April 15, 2020. Ideal settings for the presentation would be your Pack Blue and Gold Banquet or your Troop Court of Honor. A district Scouter will come to your unit’s meeting and make the presentation. A typical presentation only takes 5-10 minutes.

Three Harbors Council encourages all families to give at the Family level of $180. However, we know that every family in our program can give at different levels. We welcome gifts of any amount from $10 to $100 to $1000 or more. The Family Friends of Scouting campaign gives every family the opportunity to financially support our programs and services to the fullest of their abilities!

To schedule your presentation now, contact your Family Friends of Scouting Chair or your District Executive

Three Harbors Council, Boy Scouts of America  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468
